Ready to celebrate Thanksgiving at post? Here are some great crafts and activities to help you and your family enjoy the Thanksgiving holiday wherever you are. These aren't just useful for one year, but can turn into treasured traditions!
1. Engage Locally
Most Foreign Service families won't be driving to Grandma's for this American holiday, but we will be gathering around the table with some new and old friends to celebrate the time-honored celebration. Here are some ideas to brighten up your holiday and share your meal.
- Invite a Marine to join your family.
- Invite a single person at post, a couple, or a single parent and kids to join you.
- Invite a favorite locally employed staff member to your Thanksgiving table. Along the way, you can show them some American tradition and culture.
- Celebrate it on a different day or multiple times to include those American expats who don't get the holiday off from school or work.
2. Make a Thankful Tree
This tradition is simple and easily replicated anywhere you live.
For those not-so-crafty, you can order a complete pre-made kit here. |
3. Movies and MORE!
Here are some other fun ideas to enjoy the holiday!