Course Descriptions
American symbols | The First Americans: Iroquois | The First Americans: Sioux | The First Americans: Navajo | Christopher Columbus | Pocahontas | Paul Revere | George Washington | Betsy Ross | Benjamin Franklin | Thomas Jefferson | Lewis and Clark | Johnny Appleseed | Davy Crockett | Frederick Douglass | Abraham Lincoln | Clara Barton | Susan Anthony | George Washington Carver | Laura Ingalls | The Wright Brothers | Annie Oakley | Theodore Roosevelt | Helen Keller | Jackie Robinson | Eleanor Roosevelt | Cesar Chavez | Rosa Parks | Martin Luther King | Sally Ride |
From an introduction to American symbols like Lady Liberty and the bald eagle to an overview of different Native American tribes to a look at legendary politicians and daring explorers of the past and those extraordinary leaders and brave citizens who fought for their rights (and ours) in the 20th century, this course is the ideal way to ensure your child doesn’t miss the essential knowledge of America. Course A covers all this information in a fun and interactive way to keep your child excited about prominent people in America’s history.
From an introduction to American symbols like Lady Liberty and the bald eagle to an overview of different Native American tribes to a look at legendary politicians and daring explorers of the past and those extraordinary leaders and brave citizens who fought for their rights (and ours) in the 20th century, this course is the ideal way to ensure your child doesn’t miss the essential knowledge of America. Course A covers all this information in a fun and interactive way to keep your child excited about prominent people in America’s history.
Discovering America | Columbus | Jamestown | Native Americans |
The First Americans | Pilgrims & Puritans | The First Thanksgiving | The Thirteen Colonies | The American Revolution | The U.S. Constitution | The War of 1812 | The Louisiana Purchase | Westward Expansion | Pioneers | The Iron Horse | The Pony Express | Slavery in America | The American Civil War | The Emancipation Proclamation | A Nation of Immigrants | Land of Opportunity | Becoming a Citizen | Local & State Government | Geography | |
1st, 2nd, 3rd, & 4th GRADE AMERICAN HISTORY
The story of America's past is one defined by exploration and discovery, battles for both independence and unity, expansion in its size and global influence as a nation, as well as the diversity of its inhabitants. This course takes your child through that story and highlights defining moments in early American history in an age-appropriate way. Course B covers the first half of America’s history, beginning with the discovery of the America's through the American Civil War; all with fun and interactive elements to keep your child excited about the topic.
The story of America's past is one defined by exploration and discovery, battles for both independence and unity, expansion in its size and global influence as a nation, as well as the diversity of its inhabitants. This course takes your child through that story and highlights defining moments in early American history in an age-appropriate way. Course B covers the first half of America’s history, beginning with the discovery of the America's through the American Civil War; all with fun and interactive elements to keep your child excited about the topic.
Christopher Columbus | Spanish Conquistadors | A Northwest Passage | Jamestown | Powhatans | A Cash Crop | Pilgrims | Puritans | 13 Colonies |
The First Continental Congress | Famous Patriots | A Soldier's Life | Battles | Declaration of Independence | Spies & Traitors | Loyalists | The French Enter the War | The Birth of a Nation | Slavery | Bill of Rights | Checks & Balances | Lewis & Clark’s Expedition | The War of 1812 | Trail of Tears | Early American Presidents: Washington | Adams | Jefferson | Madison | Monroe | Jackson | |
3rd, 4th, 5th, & 6th GRADE AMERICAN HISTORY PART I
Early American history is all about exploration, and that’s what your child will do in this course. Students will explore the formation of the thirteen colonies, the thrill of the American Revolution, and the construction of the Constitution with the Founding Fathers. By the end of Course C, your child will be able to recite the Preamble of the Constitution, understand the injustice of slavery in our country, and recognize the contributions of the early presidents.
Early American history is all about exploration, and that’s what your child will do in this course. Students will explore the formation of the thirteen colonies, the thrill of the American Revolution, and the construction of the Constitution with the Founding Fathers. By the end of Course C, your child will be able to recite the Preamble of the Constitution, understand the injustice of slavery in our country, and recognize the contributions of the early presidents.
Westward Expansion before the Civil War | Manifest Destiny | North & South | Slavery | Abraham Lincoln | States' Rights | Ready to Fight | The Soldiers | The Emancipation Proclamation | Misery of War | Gettysburg | The End of the Civil War | Repairing the House Divided | Reconstruction | The 13th, 14th, & 15th Amendments | Homesteading the Plains | Building Railroads | Cowboys & Closing the Frontier | Natives and Settles | The Sand Creek Massacre | The Ghost Dance | Immigration from Ireland and Germany | Ellis Island | Immigrants | Resistance to Immigrants | An Age of Industry + New Inventions | Growth of Industrial Cities | Labor Conditions | Great Industrialists | Regulate Business |
The American Civil War is a crucial part of our country’s history, and Course D offers the perfect age-appropriate stories to help your child understand the complex transition from war to Reconstruction. They’ll also explore the growth of America, from Westward Expansion to immigration through Ellis Island. After this course, your child will be able to understand the meaning of President Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address, the impact of America’s expansion on Native American tribes, and how our country came to be known as a melting pot.
The American Civil War is a crucial part of our country’s history, and Course D offers the perfect age-appropriate stories to help your child understand the complex transition from war to Reconstruction. They’ll also explore the growth of America, from Westward Expansion to immigration through Ellis Island. After this course, your child will be able to understand the meaning of President Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address, the impact of America’s expansion on Native American tribes, and how our country came to be known as a melting pot.
5th, 6th, 7th, & 8th GRADE AMERICAN GOVERNMENT
American History is about more than just memorizing dates and people. This course walks your child through the political process, taking a closer look at the Electoral College and how political parties have impacted American history, the three branches of government, and the responsibilities of citizens in the United States.
American History is about more than just memorizing dates and people. This course walks your child through the political process, taking a closer look at the Electoral College and how political parties have impacted American history, the three branches of government, and the responsibilities of citizens in the United States.
America becomes a World Power | The Spanish-American War |
Farmers & Populism | The Progressive Era | World War I | The Spanish Flu | The Golden Decade | The Great Depression | World War II | The Atom Bomb | The Cold War | The Marshall Plan | The Space Race | The Cuban Missile Crisis | JFK Assassination | Civil Rights | The "Me Decade 1970-1980 | The Vietnam War | The Global Age | The Persian Gulf War | Bridges to the Future 1992-1999 | A New Millennium 2000-2014 | |
Whether building its economy as a partner in international trade and commerce or by enacting diplomacy and conflict resolution as a world superpower, America has been defined in part by its interactions and relationships with other nations. This course explores the whole of American History, from the early 1900s through the beginning of the twenty-first century.
Whether building its economy as a partner in international trade and commerce or by enacting diplomacy and conflict resolution as a world superpower, America has been defined in part by its interactions and relationships with other nations. This course explores the whole of American History, from the early 1900s through the beginning of the twenty-first century.