Get your kids the easiest, fastest and most effective resource to learn U.S. History so they can stay on track with their American peers!
Because U.S. History ISN’T taught in international schools, but your kids deserve to know it.
*Plus, It’s Fully Reimbursable!*
Calling all Foreign Service Parents...
As a member of the Foreign Service, you and your family have made the sacrifice to support our nation by living abroad.
Your kids are probably in an international school that’s giving them a top-quality education . . . in every area EXCEPT United States history. So when you return to the States, your kids will be well-prepared . .
. . . leaving them feeling awkward, embarrassed, and completely behind all of their peers. |
The ripple effect of not knowing U.S. History can mean a lot of things you DON’T want for your kids, like:
- Low test scores (your kids need to know U.S. History to score well on elementary and middle school standardized tests)
- Not getting their top-choice university (U.S. History is tested on most college entrance exams)
- Awkward conversations with their peers (imagine now knowing who Lewis & Clark are or when the Civil War happened)
- A sense of not belonging and being “on the outside” once they return to the States
And if you don’t take a pro-active approach to getting your kids the U.S. History education they deserve, all your efforts to give them a rich and cultured life and set them up for future success can be sabotaged by their lack of knowledge of this ONE critical topic.
But imagine how much brighter your kids’ futures will be when:
- Your child returns to the States and knows exactly what the other children are talking about in History Class.
- Your child has a firm grasp on U.S. cultural references that appear in books, films, and songs.
- Your child can navigate our political process and appreciate the impact her voice can make because she understands how the branches of government work together.
- Your child feels confident to enroll in AP American History and start earning college credit before even going to university.
- Your child aces his SATs and gets accepted to his dream school.
- Your child knows the words to the Pledge of Allegiance and the National Anthem without missing a beat.
- Your child develops a sense of pride and patriotism in being an American, even if he’s never lived on U.S. soil.
- The doors of opportunity are OPEN to your kids and they’re well-prepared for success in ALL areas of the U.S. academic system!
There’s a simple solution to helping your child learn U.S. History and setting them up for a successful return to America:
Your K - 8th grade child’s all-in-one, fully reimbursable, self-paced online learning hub to master everything they need to know about U.S. History . . . without requiring hours of tedious homework, piles of boring textbooks, or endless chunks of your time to guide your child through the program.
Here’s what Foreign Service parents are saying about the program:
Learning U.S. History is about so much more than memorizing
dates, facts, events, and speeches.
Inside U.S. History Abroad, your child learns about American
culture, heroes, and stories.
dates, facts, events, and speeches.
Inside U.S. History Abroad, your child learns about American
culture, heroes, and stories.
You want your child to have a leg up in life, and U.S. History Abroad will help them get it!
Because mastering U.S. History while you’re stationed abroad will help your child:
Feel confident when you return to the State
No more worrying about whether your child is going to feel like the odd one out who doesn’t understand what her peers are talking about. He won’t be behind his peers and working frantically to catch up, like so many students who DON’T enroll in U.S. History Abroad.
Develop critical thinking skills
Studying U.S. History will help your child become a careful reader as she analyzes historical documents. She’ll learn to ask insightful questions like “What rights does the First Amendment really give U.S. citizens?” and “How important is propaganda when it comes to war?” She’ll learn to become skeptical of biases and be an independent thinker.
Strengthen important qualities like empathy and compassion
Studying history broadens our kids’ awareness of hardships people have faced and the sacrifices that have been made to keep America free and ensure that different voices are heard. The more your child understands that their freedom has come at a price, the more compassion, empathy, and tolerance they’ll be able to show.
Develop a sense of where they came from
Your child probably doesn’t yet have a strong emotional connection to the United States, because that’s hard to develop when you’ve lived abroad most of your life. Learning American history will help him connect to his roots as a United States citizen. It’ll strengthen his sense of identity and pride in the U.S.A. An international or local education will help your child develop a greater sense of world history --- which is also important --- but U.S. History shows your student where they fit into it all.
Increase their appreciation for their surroundings while abroad
The United States is a melting pot of cultures. As your kids learn more about U.S. History --- and the diverse cultures that are a part of America --- they’ll also cultivate an enhanced appreciation for whatever country you currently call home.
When we were posted to Moscow, I was homeschooling, and I was determined to give my kids all the knowledge they needed to succeed later in life.
I’m a Type A personality to start with. . . so I developed my own homeschooling curriculum based on the Virginia State Standard of Learning Guidelines. I wanted to make sure my children got ALL the knowledge that’s REQUIRED Stateside so that when we went back to the States, they’d be ready.
Other FS parents started to ask me what resources I was using to make sure my kids’ education met all of the American History requirements. Then, when I shared the curriculum I’d put together with a few other families, they asked if I’d be willing to teach their kids, too.
And... U.S. History Abroad was born! I know that FS parents are incredibly busy, so I recorded all of the lessons in a way where their kids can go through at their own pace.
I’m a Type A personality to start with. . . so I developed my own homeschooling curriculum based on the Virginia State Standard of Learning Guidelines. I wanted to make sure my children got ALL the knowledge that’s REQUIRED Stateside so that when we went back to the States, they’d be ready.
Other FS parents started to ask me what resources I was using to make sure my kids’ education met all of the American History requirements. Then, when I shared the curriculum I’d put together with a few other families, they asked if I’d be willing to teach their kids, too.
And... U.S. History Abroad was born! I know that FS parents are incredibly busy, so I recorded all of the lessons in a way where their kids can go through at their own pace.
My heart hurt for all the FS parents who were struggling to help their kids understand where they come from, to teach them the history that’s so ingrained in our own adult minds, and to share the love of America. And I knew that giving other parents access to the U.S. History Abroad program could help them accomplish these things without having to spend hours going through textbooks (which usually sit in the corner collecting dust) or trying to “wing” a curriculum that doesn’t meet all the Stateside requirements.
I’m so proud of our country, and it’s beautiful to see how our kids develop that sense of patriotism, too, when they learn U.S History! I can’t wait to support YOUR student inside the program!
I’m so proud of our country, and it’s beautiful to see how our kids develop that sense of patriotism, too, when they learn U.S History! I can’t wait to support YOUR student inside the program!
Here’s how U.S. History Abroad Works:
There are six U.S. History Abroad Courses (A, B, C, D, E, and F). Check out this handy graphic to see which Course your child should take.
There are six U.S. History Abroad Courses (A, B, C, D, E, and F). Check out this handy graphic to see which Course your child should take.
Each U.S. History Abroad Course is designed to teach your child the history they need to know in a way that’s completely self-paced, interactive, engaging and fun!
Each U.S. History Abroad Course is designed to teach your child the history they need to know in a way that’s completely self-paced, interactive, engaging and fun!
Every course includes 30 lessons, each of which can be completed in just 30-45 minutes.
Lessons are delivered via Video and Audio, and many include hands-on activities like printables, crafts and recipes to try.
Each course includes age-appropriate games to encourage your child to get involved with the course material. They may even start asking you to play the games just for fun!
The Course gamification system also gives your child the opportunity to win prizes like an Amazon gift card and Badges to celebrate their accomplishment.
Every course includes 30 lessons, each of which can be completed in just 30-45 minutes.
Lessons are delivered via Video and Audio, and many include hands-on activities like printables, crafts and recipes to try.
Each course includes age-appropriate games to encourage your child to get involved with the course material. They may even start asking you to play the games just for fun!
The Course gamification system also gives your child the opportunity to win prizes like an Amazon gift card and Badges to celebrate their accomplishment.
Fergus, the History Pup, is a real-life dog who’s featured in each Course. Kids love learning from Fergus as he brings history to life for them.
Students can form teams to test their knowledge and climb up our Course Leaderboard. Our kids enjoy a healthy spirit of competition as they learn more about American History.
All Courses are completely self-paced, and they include quizzes, songs, funny videos, and riveting stories. Your child has access to the Course through August 31 so there is plenty of time for them to go through the content at their own pace.
Each Course comes with a 100% Reimbursement Guarantee, which means that if for ANY reason your FMO denies your reimbursement request, you can let me know and I will get your FULL refund processed within 24 hours, no questions asked.
When your child completes a Course, you’ll get a suitable-for-framing Completion Certificate to certify their achievement.
Students can form teams to test their knowledge and climb up our Course Leaderboard. Our kids enjoy a healthy spirit of competition as they learn more about American History.
All Courses are completely self-paced, and they include quizzes, songs, funny videos, and riveting stories. Your child has access to the Course through August 31 so there is plenty of time for them to go through the content at their own pace.
Each Course comes with a 100% Reimbursement Guarantee, which means that if for ANY reason your FMO denies your reimbursement request, you can let me know and I will get your FULL refund processed within 24 hours, no questions asked.
When your child completes a Course, you’ll get a suitable-for-framing Completion Certificate to certify their achievement.
Each Course covers age-appropriate topics and meets the requirements of the Virginia Standards of Learning:

From an introduction to American symbols like Lady Liberty and the bald eagle, to an overview of different Native American tribes, to a look at legendary politicians and daring explorers of the past this course is the ideal way to ensure your child doesn’t miss the essential knowledge of America.
Course A covers Famous People in American History in a fun and interactive way to keep your child excited about learning!
Course A covers Famous People in American History in a fun and interactive way to keep your child excited about learning!

The story of America's past is one defined by exploration and discovery, battles for both independence and unity, expansion in its size and global influence as a nation. Our nation is also marked by the diversity of its inhabitants.
This Course takes your child through that story and highlights defining moments in early American history in an age-appropriate way. Course B covers the first half of America’s history, beginning with the discovery of the Americas through the American Civil War.
This Course takes your child through that story and highlights defining moments in early American history in an age-appropriate way. Course B covers the first half of America’s history, beginning with the discovery of the Americas through the American Civil War.

Early American history is all about exploration, and that’s what your child will do in this Course. Students will explore the formation of the thirteen colonies, the thrill of the American Revolution, and the construction of the Constitution with the Founding Fathers.
By the end of Course C, your child will be able to recite the Preamble of the Constitution, understand the injustice of slavery in our country, and recognize the contributions of the early presidents.
By the end of Course C, your child will be able to recite the Preamble of the Constitution, understand the injustice of slavery in our country, and recognize the contributions of the early presidents.

The American Civil War is a crucial part of our country’s history, and Course D offers the perfect age-appropriate stories to help your child understand the complex transition from war to Reconstruction. They’ll also explore the growth of America, from Westward
Expansion to immigration through Ellis Island. After this course, your child will understand the meaning of President Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address, the impact of America’s expansion on Native American tribes, and how our country came to be known as a melting pot.
Expansion to immigration through Ellis Island. After this course, your child will understand the meaning of President Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address, the impact of America’s expansion on Native American tribes, and how our country came to be known as a melting pot.

American History is about more than just memorizing dates and people. This Course walks your child through the political process, taking a closer look at the Electoral College and how political parties have impacted American history. Your child will also learn about the three branches of government and the responsibilities of citizens in the United States.

Whether building its economy as a partner in international trade and commerce or by enacting diplomacy and conflict resolution as a world superpower, America has been defined in part by its interactions and relationships with other nations.
This course explores the latter years of American History, from the early 1900s through the beginning of the twenty-first century.
This course explores the latter years of American History, from the early 1900s through the beginning of the twenty-first century.
Here’s how to know whether U.S. History Abroad is right for your child:
U.S. History Abroad is PERFECT for your child if . . .
Now, not everyone is the perfect fit for U.S. History Abroad. You probably shouldn’t enroll your child if:
- You know there’s a chance your family will get called back to the States, and you want your child to be prepared.
- You want to give your child a leg up on middle school and elementary standardized tests and/or college entrance exams.
- You want your child to develop a sense of patriotism and pride when they think about America.
- You want your child to feel connected to the U.S. and to feel like they “belong” when they eventually return to America.
- You want your child to learn American History in an orderly, chronological way.
- You want to give your child a U.S. History education that meets the highest level of Stateside mandatory requirements.
- You want a guided program that will engage your child and keep them excited to learn more.
- You want to enroll your child in a program that’s fully reimbursable by your FMO.
Now, not everyone is the perfect fit for U.S. History Abroad. You probably shouldn’t enroll your child if:
- You have plenty of free time to teach your child U.S. History and you’re excited about developing your own curriculum to teach them.
- You’re not worried about your child being academically prepared for a return to America.
- You don’t think your child needs to be on a similar level as her American peers when it comes to history and civics lessons.
- You want to be the main person teaching history to your child.
Check out what some of our successful students have to say about U.S. History Abroad:
Your 100% Reimbursement Guarantee
I understand that if you’re like most Foreign Service parents who enroll their kids in U.S. History Abroad, you want to take advantage of the reimbursement you can get from your Financial Management Office (FMO). So it’s important that you know when you enroll your child in U.S. History Abroad, it’s easy to get your FULL reimbursement for the $1776 enrollment fee.
As soon as you join, you get an email with your receipt AND a done-for-you Reimbursement Email Template. Just fill your child’s details into the Template, send it to your FMO, and get your full reimbursement.
That’s right, the cost of your child’s tuition for U.S. History Abroad is 100% reimbursable!
All that’s required is that you meet the following 4 criteria:
If for any reason, your FMO denies your claim, simply forward their rejection letter to me at [email protected] and my team will process a full refund of your tuition for you within 24 hours. It’s very unlikely to happen — in 8+ years of working with hundreds of families, this has happened twice!
Now, you can invest in this program with confidence and peace of mind, knowing you can get your kids the U.S. History education they deserve absolutely risk-free!
Please Note: Your child only qualifies for the Reimbursement through the 8th grade! This is just another reason NOT to delay enrollment! If your child needs to play catch-up this year because you haven’t focused on getting them into U.S. History Abroad before now, your reimbursement will be able to cover TWO courses per child each year.
As soon as you join, you get an email with your receipt AND a done-for-you Reimbursement Email Template. Just fill your child’s details into the Template, send it to your FMO, and get your full reimbursement.
That’s right, the cost of your child’s tuition for U.S. History Abroad is 100% reimbursable!
All that’s required is that you meet the following 4 criteria:
- You currently live overseas.
- One parent is an employee of the U.S. State Department, U.S. AID, or LEGAT, etc...
- Your child is between Kindergarten and 8th Grade.
- U.S. History is not taught in your child’s school.
If for any reason, your FMO denies your claim, simply forward their rejection letter to me at [email protected] and my team will process a full refund of your tuition for you within 24 hours. It’s very unlikely to happen — in 8+ years of working with hundreds of families, this has happened twice!
Now, you can invest in this program with confidence and peace of mind, knowing you can get your kids the U.S. History education they deserve absolutely risk-free!
Please Note: Your child only qualifies for the Reimbursement through the 8th grade! This is just another reason NOT to delay enrollment! If your child needs to play catch-up this year because you haven’t focused on getting them into U.S. History Abroad before now, your reimbursement will be able to cover TWO courses per child each year.
Your most popular questions, ANSWERED:
Have a pressing question you need answered before enrolling your child in U.S. History Abroad?
Below is a list of the most common questions I’ve been asked.
If for some reason, you don’t see YOUR question asked and answered, just reach out to me at [email protected] and I’ll make sure you have the info you need!
Have a pressing question you need answered before enrolling your child in U.S. History Abroad?
Below is a list of the most common questions I’ve been asked.
If for some reason, you don’t see YOUR question asked and answered, just reach out to me at [email protected] and I’ll make sure you have the info you need!
- What if my child is already very busy? I’m answering this question first, because it’s the one I get asked most often. Inside U.S. History Abroad, we often refer to our “Busy Kid-Approved Plan” for learning. Our most successful students, in fact, ARE already busy! That’s exactly why their parents enroll them in U.S. History Abroad, because we’re the ONLY online program that your child can go through at his or her own pace, in easy-to-digest lessons that are no longer than 30-45 minutes each. There are 30 total lessons in each program (your child will enroll in the right program for his or her age, so that means just 30 lessons in an entire school year), and they’re full of entertaining features like quizzes, songs, and collaboration with other students online in a special community feature. If your kid is busy, this is the BEST program to give them access to, because they can go at their own pace, one quick lesson per week, or even binge on holiday or summer break.
- What if I’m super-busy? How much time will I need to spend going through these lessons with my child? If you’re tied up with lots of long days and evenings with your Foreign Service Work, or both parents in your household are working, U.S. History Abroad is tailor-made for your family. All of the lessons can be completed by your child without supervision, and they’ll relish this time of building their independence and accomplishing an academic goal on their own. Of course, you CAN go through the lessons with your child if you desire (we’ve had many families tell us that they or their nanny loved watching the lessons as much as their kids did!), but the material is designed to keep your child interested without an adult “forcing” them to learn. In fact, here’s what one parent said about our program: “Despite our best intentions, and the fact that both parents are former teachers (one a history teacher!), we hadn't followed through with the independent curricula we got from {another program}.” Listen, we all have the BEST intentions when it comes to supporting our kids, but sometimes after a 12-hour-workday, we run out of steam to sit with boring textbooks our kids don’t like anyway . . . so the best way we can help our kids is to give them an entertaining AND effective self-study option.
- Is this program going to get my child a FULL United States History education? If by “FULL,” you mean an education that will prepare them for re-entry back into the United States and enable them to be on track with or ahead of their American peers when it comes to history, ABSOLUTELY. Your child is going to learn all of the events, dates, speeches, key figures, and concepts that are listed on the American history portion of the Standards of Learning Guidelines for Virginia public schools. Each course is comprehensive, appropriate to your child’s current grade in school, and will give them a variety of mediums (videos, music, funsheets, games, activities, book suggestions) to learn the material. When they complete a course, they will be 100% up-to-speed with their grade back in America. So your eventual return to the States can feel exciting instead of unnerving to your kids!
- Can't my child wait to take an American history or a civics course in high school? Of course your child CAN wait, but perhaps the better question is SHOULD she? I like to use the analogy of dirty dishes here. Can you wait to wash them after a hearty spaghetti dinner, and just stack them in the sink instead? Of course! But you and I both know that it’s going to take WAY longer and be FAR more stressful to scrub off the dried pits of pasta sauce the next day than it would have been to just rinse them right after dinner and run the dishwasher immediately. One scenario leaves you with pristine dishes, the other with a big ole’ mess. And your kid will have similar messy results if he puts off learning American history. Kids need to know U.S History to prep for college entrance exams like the SAT and ACT, and you know you don’t want to saddle them with “a sink full of dirty dishes to clean” right before test-time. Imagine how much harder you’d be making it for your kid if you expect her to cram 6 years of American history into her junior or senior year of high school, when she’s already got the stress of adjusting to life in the States and all of her other advanced courses to worry about? Right now, you can give your kids the gift of being well-prepared for their future. It’s your choice to set them up for stress, or for success.
- A comprehensive course sounds a little overwhelming - how much time is required? The program is completely self-paced and includes 30 lessons. Each lesson can be completed in just 30-45 minutes. Easy-breezy!!! And there’s no such thing as “behind” in U.S. History Abroad, because your child can move through the 30 lessons at his or her own pace.
- How long will my child have access to the program? Each course is made up of 30 lessons that your child will have access to until August 31st. Some kids choose to work on one lesson a week throughout the school year. Others like to binge Netflix-style on lessons during fall, winter, and spring breaks. A few kiddos like to put off working on their course until the summer. You and your child can come up with a plan that works best for them. There are no set times that students must log onto the course. Unlike other programs where you have to juggle your schedule with a teacher or tutor, our program is self-paced and can be completed on YOUR schedule.
- What makes the students in U.S. History Abroad and all of the testimonials I’ve seen so successful? It’s simple! Literally :-) I’ve carefully crafted each course to include exactly what your child needs to know for his or her grade-level, in the form of 30 short, self-paced lessons. I’ve also included interactive elements like quizzes and a community where students can share comments, which keeps them engaged and excited to learn. Whether your child prefers audio or visual learning, there’s something for him here, and it’s so DOABLE that your child will also feel a sense of pride and accomplishment as he moves through the curriculum. When students FEEL successful, they BECOME successful!
- How much tech do I need for this to work for my child? All you need is an internet connection and a computer, and your child will be able to complete the program.
- I don't want to argue with my child about adding extra work to their plate. What if he doesn’t want to do the work after I enroll him? I have 3 kiddos of my own so I totally get this concern! Sometimes our kids suck the life out of us and we don’t have the energy to argue with them (even if it’s for their own good.) That’s why I added more games, more videos, and Fergus, the History Pup, to help the courses NOT feel like work. Funny story: I even had one parent tell me that she WANTED to go through the lessons with her daughter, but her daughter loved the program so much she couldn’t wait for her mom before watching the next one (I told this parent not to squash her daughter’s enthusiasm by forcing her to wait to do the next lesson, haha!). For kids that are intrinsically motivated, these lessons are perfect because students feel so proud and patriotic & just plain SMART after watching a lesson or playing a learning game. (Parents, watch out! Your child may soon surpass your level of American history knowledge…)
- Do you offer a guarantee? Of course! We’ve got a 100% Reimbursement Guarantee when your child enrolls in U.S. History Abroad. All U.S. History Abroad courses are based on the history and social studies guidelines from the Virginia State Standards of Learning, which are state-mandated requirements that teachers need to teach for each subject and grade level. This means that the material covered in our lessons is REQUIRED learning for students who attend Virginia public schools. And because of this, it’s very unlikely that your Financial Management Office will not reimburse you for your child’s tuition (it’s only happened TWICE in 8+ years of teaching hundreds of students online). However, to give you peace of mind before purchasing, we also offer a 100% Reimbursement Guarantee. When you enroll, you get a receipt and a templated email so you can fill in your child’s details and quickly apply for reimbursement. If for ANY reason, your reimbursement request is denied, simply forward the denial notice to my team at [email protected], and we will process your full refund within 24 hours, no questions asked.
- What will I get when I enroll my child in U.S. History Abroad? You’ll get access to a grade-appropriate American history course that is thorough yet entertaining and meets Stateside requirements for U.S. History standards. Practically, you get full access to 30 self-paced, on-demand, informative, interactive and engaging history lessons that’ll keep your child excited about learning American history. And beyond the practical benefits, you get the most important result: the peace of mind that comes with knowing that your child finally understands where they came from, and that they’re well-prepared academically for your return to the States.
Here’s more student feedback on what your child will get out of U.S. History Abroad:
Read this before you go . . .
You’re giving your child such a beautiful life by being part of the Foreign Service. They’re learning about different cultures and becoming true citizens of the world. The ONE piece of education they can’t get abroad, though, is the very piece that will help them assimilate back into the United States and feel a sense of belonging in America. That piece is a strong education in U.S. History, and you’ve got the opportunity to get your kids the knowledge they deserve through U.S. History Abroad right now.
Don’t let your child be the one child in her grade who doesn’t know the words to the National Anthem, or the one kid in his class who stares blankly when someone mentions Rosa Parks.
Your kids deserve the best, and you can give it to them.
Your child’s success is just a click away, and I can’t wait to support them in U.S. History Abroad!
- Alix
You’re giving your child such a beautiful life by being part of the Foreign Service. They’re learning about different cultures and becoming true citizens of the world. The ONE piece of education they can’t get abroad, though, is the very piece that will help them assimilate back into the United States and feel a sense of belonging in America. That piece is a strong education in U.S. History, and you’ve got the opportunity to get your kids the knowledge they deserve through U.S. History Abroad right now.
Don’t let your child be the one child in her grade who doesn’t know the words to the National Anthem, or the one kid in his class who stares blankly when someone mentions Rosa Parks.
Your kids deserve the best, and you can give it to them.
Your child’s success is just a click away, and I can’t wait to support them in U.S. History Abroad!
- Alix